If re-elected Trump plans to reinstate Muslim Ban, add more countries to list
by Paurush Omar from The Hindustani Times
Former President Donald Trump has privately told close associates that he plans to reinstate his infamous “Muslim ban” if he is reelected in 2024, according to US daily Rolling Stone. Trump has reportedly called the policy “beautiful” and has expressed interest in adding more majority-Muslim countries to the list of those banned from entering the United States.
Banning Muslims from entering the United States has been a long-standing obsession for Trump, dating back to his presidential campaign in 2015 when he called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Just a few days after taking office in 2017, he signed an executive order banning the entry of citizens from seven majority-Muslim countries for 90 days. The ban was met with chaos and confusion at U.S. airports and ports of entry, and led to a diplomatic fallout with Iraq.