
Jewish Voters in America


By Dr.Aslam Abdullah Jews make up the highest percentage of voter turnout of any ethnic group. While 2–2.5% of the United States population is Jewish, 94% live in 13 key elect

Did G-d Donate America to Zionists?


By Dr.Aslam Abdullah Jamal Bowman's defeat in a Democratic primary for a House seat in New York proves beyond doubt that the Israeli lobby has the political strength to humiliat

Intelligence Security Measures on Phone Calls in Pakistan


By Mahvish Akhtar The federal cabinet has approved the relevant circular, allowing a designated officer of the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) to trace calls under Section 54

Evangelical Protestants in the US


By Dr. Aslam Abdullah The number of evangelicals in the United States can range from 6–35% of the population, depending on how the term is defined. In 2015, Pew Research Cente

The Roots of Christian Zionism


By Dr. Aslam Abdullah Millions of Americans belong to Evangelical churches that strongly support Israel for religious reasons. The largest Zionist organization is Christians Unite

Modi’s BJP Loses Majority in Indian Lok Sabha After 2024 General Election


By Yousuf Ali India concluded its multi-part general election process that started on June 1 after its start April 19. It yielded surprising results with the ruling party losing i

Unpredictable relationship between Pakistan and Iran


By Mahvish Akhtar Iran and Pakistan have had a turbulent relationship which cannot be judged on what is taking place most recently. Late President Raisi’s last visit was very

Israel looks to ban new de-facto Palestinian Embassies


by TMO Staff A bill that would prevent de facto Palestinian embassies from opening in east Jerusalem received preliminary approval from the Knesset plenum on Wednesday. The p

Palestinian 3-year-old suffering third-degree burns amid Israeli airstrikes arrives in Ohio for treatment


By TMO Staff DAYTON, Ohio-- Ohio continues to welcome refugees from overseas to seek asylum. This month, Saja Junaid arrived from Gaza suffering third-degree burns due to an Is

Group of graduates walk out of Harvard commencement chanting ‘Free, free Palestine’


By Steve LeBlanc, Lisa Rathke; The Associated Press CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — Hundreds of students in graduation robes walked out of the Harvard commencement on Thursday chanting