Palestinian 3-year-old suffering third-degree burns amid Israeli airstrikes arrives in Ohio for treatment
By TMO Staff
DAYTON, Ohio– Ohio continues to welcome refugees from overseas to seek asylum. This month, Saja Junaid arrived from Gaza suffering third-degree burns due to an Israeli Airstrike overseas. Junaid is only 3-years-old and her entire face and body have faced severe physical damage. Junaid arrived at the Dayton International Airport with her mother Zainab and younger brother to seek medical treatment.
Junaid is currently receiving treatment at Shriners Children’s Ohio which specializes in pediatric burns, plastic and reconstructive surgery. She arrived on May 5 by obtaining a visa through the nonprofit, The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF). Her treatment could take several months depending on what doctors say.
“She just represents a bunch of a lot of children who need this care,” said Nadia Rasul, President of the Columbus-Chapter of the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. “She’s just one of the fortunate ones who was able to come to the United States for treatment. And, they want to go back home as soon as possible. So we want to make that happen. We want this treatment to have as many surgeries as she needs and to get home as quickly as she can. Because she has four siblings and a father waiting for her in Gaza.”
PCRF will pay for Junaid’s treatment expenses. The Muslim Observer was able to greet Junaid and speak to their family including her mother Zainab, who only knows Arabic. PCRF had a translator available to speak about their journey to America and the conflict overseas. Junaid’s father has been suffering from an injury, her other siblings are spread out across the region surviving through various camps.
“So many innocent people get killed every day,” Zainab Junaid’s mother said. ” I am wishing that all the other children can also be evacuated to a safe place, or be guaranteed a safe zone to them. So, they are not a victim of the war. I’m really worried that my other children and my home in Gaza will be demolished.”
Zainab said she’s thrilled her daughter can get treatment and live a normal life without burns to her physical appearance. However, she would like to return to Gaza immediately once Junaid is healed. She added that might be in a war zone but it’s her home and her entire family is overseas.
“I am continuing to pray for everyone impacted by the conflict,” Zainab said. “I want my daughter to have a happy life surrounded by happiness.”
Junaid’s arrival was awaited by a large crowd holding presents, balloons, hygiene care and candy. The group said every child deserves to have a childhood and shouldn’t have to stay in a survival state every day. One of the people waiting in the crowd told The Muslim Observer he hoped his gifts could bring a smile to Junaid’s face and she could feel at home.
“Maybe she’s seen people killed right in front of her eyes,” Omar Saeed, Dayton Resident said. “She’s going to have post-traumatic stress. She’s going to have so many health issues. And, now she’s leaving all of her family only here with her mother. And, you know, just imagine putting yourself in that and you’re in those shoes. They deserve to have a good life. They deserve to have a safe childhood. They deserve to have health care. They deserve to be able to go to school. They deserve all of these things. So it’s important because we want to be involved. And even if it’s just something very small, just to make a small bit of change and help one child is helping so many.”
Junaid’s treatment has begun and an update will be provided in a month.