Did G-d Donate America to Zionists?
By Dr.Aslam Abdullah Jamal Bowman's defeat in a Democratic primary for a House seat in New York proves beyond doubt that the Israeli lobby has the political strength to humiliat

The US Electoral College
By Dr.Aslam Adbullah The Electoral College decides who becomes president and vice president of the U.S. The Electoral College is not a physical place. It is a process that

Evangelical Protestants in the US
By Dr. Aslam Abdullah The number of evangelicals in the United States can range from 6–35% of the population, depending on how the term is defined. In 2015, Pew Research Cente

The Roots of Christian Zionism
By Dr. Aslam Abdullah Millions of Americans belong to Evangelical churches that strongly support Israel for religious reasons. The largest Zionist organization is Christians Unite

Election 2024 and Muslim Voters
By Aslam Abdullah Elections are an essential part of democracy. Every year, Americans elect thousands of representatives at various levels to govern our affairs. Where do we Mus

Op Ed: The Scriptural Origin of Racial Supremacy
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Would you believe that the Old Testament promoted the idea of racial superiority and, some 1665 years after the creation of Adam, chose the progeny of Noah's

Op Ed: Interfaith, Is It An Entertainment Or A Genuine Cause?
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Interfaith work transcends the mere exchange of pleasantries at each other's festivals or religious events. It is a profound commitment, expressed through wo

Op Ed: The Voice of Kashmir, An Untiring Freedom Fighter
by Dr Aslam Abdullah He often finds himself lost in his childhood memories in what was then a quiet and peaceful hamlet some 16 K.M. from Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmi
Do Jews Consider Jesus A Liar & False Prophet?
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah. No Jew accepts Jesus as the Messiah. When someone makes that faith commitment, they become Christian. Someone can't be both Christian and Jewish. Mike

Op Ed: Do Jews Consider Jesus A Liar & False Prophet?
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah No Jew accepts Jesus as the Messiah. When someone makes that faith commitment, they become Christian. Someone can't be both Christian and Jewish. Mike J

Op Ed: The Followers of the Most Merciful God Kill Each Other In Palestine
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah On the day when the followers of the world's two monotheistic religions exchanged fireworks, 600 humans received their passage to heaven according to their b

American Muslim Relief Groups Should Combine their Relief Work in Morocco and Libya
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah During the last seven decades, no other religious community has suffered more than Muslims in wars imposed by fellow humans and tsunamis, earth

Op Ed: Groups against Islam and Muslims: Who are they?
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Since the late 70s, Islam and Muslims have occupied the public and intellectual discourse worldwide. While Muslims regard their faith as a panacea for all pr

Op Ed: The Essence of Hajj
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Hajj is one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith. However, it is more than just a sacred ritualistic act of worship. There is an essence and spirit t

Op Ed: Pakistan Fights for the Soul of Islam
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Islam was never in danger, nor were Muslims. Islam claims to be a God-guided faith. How could God be in danger? Those who raise the slogan that their religio

Islamic Jurisprudence in Early Islam
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah A review of Dr. Hasanuddin Hashmi's work on Islamic Jurisprudence. The book is available at Islamic Center, Momin Lodge, 1918 Artesia Blvd, Torrance, CA 905

The Taliban Mocks God and His Messenger
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah In defiance of God, they describe as their source of legitimacy, and in violation of the Prophet, they swear to follow; the ruling Taliban have announced tha

Kashmir Files: Vulgar, Propagandist and Anti-Islam
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Hitler is alive in India in spirit. Its devotees are preparing gas chambers to commit genocide against Muslims, as its power elites and influen

The World Should Respect Qatar’s Values during FIFA World Cup
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Sixty-five percent of the world's population will watch 32 nations compete in Qatar's most prestigious football cup. With a population of 2.6 million, incl

Dr. Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi: The Father of Modern Islamic Banking
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah Millions of people around the world benefit from interest-free baking. But, not many know that the scholar who made it possible within the cont

Why did the G-20 Interfaith Forum Invite the Hindu Fascist Group to its Conference?
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah In the picture are seen the host and a Muslim representative while the Hindu fascist group tried to justify the persecution of minorities

Op Ed: Midterm Elections and Muslims
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah The Midterm elections on November 8, 2022, will undoubtedly change America's political landscape for a long time. The hostility between the Republicans and D

Did Hindutva Intelligence Agency under the RSS rule frame the Muslim Group?
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah India's Hindutva-led MHA and the National Investigation Agency (NIA), popularly known as the Hindutva Investigation Agency (HIA), banned the Popular Front of

Op Ed: Is Picking Out Muslim Americans at the Borders Constitutional?
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speec

Yusuf al-Qaradawi: The Humblest Scholar of Our Generation
The author had the opportunity to spend two days with Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi when he visited in India in the 70s. The Jamat e Islami assigned the author to take him around. During t