Ramadan Quran Series Day 28
Ramadan Quran Series Day Twenty-eight
by Dr. Aslam Abdullah
- Al-Mujadalah (The Pleading) (58)
Al-Mujadalah is he 58th Surah of the traditionally arranged Quran and it is the 105th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. It was revealed in Medina and it has 22 Ayah divided into three Ruku., It is a critique on social customs that flout logic and divine guidance. It specifically refers to an old tribal custom where someone would refer to his wife as his mother and then would get rid of her without divorcing her. It was a custom to torture one’s wife and treating her like a commodity at the discretion of husband. It warns against such practice and in a way recommended that every social custom should look objectively in its relevance with the divine guidance. It also refers to the ill effect hypocrites bring upon society.
- Al-Hujurat (The Private Chambers) (49)
Al-Hujurat is the 106th Surah revealed upon the Prophet and it occurs as 49th in the traditionally arranged Quran. It was revealed in Medina and it has 18 Ayah and 2 Ruku. It specifies the morals and manners necessary to build a peaceful and cohesive society. It also described the need to show respect to the leadership and listen to its guidance in family and social life. It reminds people that without showing respect to the prophet, their commitment to God would remain incomplete.
- At-Tahrim (Prohibition) (66)
At-Tahrim is the 66th Surah in the traditionally arranged Quran. It is the 107th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. It was revealed in Medina and it has 12 Ayah and 2 Ruku. It emphasizes the importance of accepting Allah as the supreme lawgiver. he alone is the one who can declare things permitted and not permitted or Halal and Haram. It also advises that the divine rules are also applicable in every aspect of life including conjugal relations. It tells that faith and God-consciousness must reflect their impact on family and communal relations.
- At-Taghabun (Loss and Gain) (64)
At-Taghabun is the 64th in the traditionally arranged Quran and it is the 108th Surah revealed upon the Prophet. It was revealed in Medina and it has 18 Ayah and 2 Ruku. ITs main theme is that everything created by Allah has a purpose. The divine guidance enables humans to understand their purpose in life and to make use of other creations for promoting righteousness. It alludes to the consequences of evil deeds and deviating from the divine path. It exhorts the believers to keep their intentions pure to bring effectiveness in their actions.