MMCC Condemns massacre of Sikhs in Wisconsin
MMMC Press Release
(Royal Oak, MI, 8/6/12) –-MMCC joins national and Michigan’s Muslim community in condemnation of the killings in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and expresses solidarity with the Sikh community at this trying time.
“Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victims of this senseless tragedy. May God grant much patience to the families of the victims. To God we belong and to Him is our return. (Quran, 2:156)â€, said Dr. Muzammil Ahmed, Chair, MMCC.
The fact that the attack took place when temple members were reading scriptures and cooking food in preparation for the main Sunday service and community meal reflects the deep inhumanity of the perpetrator. It is also an indication of the cost in human lives that we pay for the growing culture of intolerance in sections of our society. While such intolerance remains confined to a small minority, the suffering caused by their distorted worldview is shared by us all. This is the time for all Americans to stand together against hate, intolerance and violence.