Letter to the Editor
Last week the Saudi Arabia Court System sentences the most revered Shia cleric Sheikh Baqeer Al-Nimr to execution (beheading) followed by crucifixion for “breaking allegiance to the king” and “Speaking Up for human rights in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain”.
Al-Nimr is a hero in the Shia Muslim world for courageously and peacefully opposing the oppression against minorities, holding peaceful demonstration to end corruption, and questioning the very legitimacy of the Gulf monarchies on the basis Sharia (Islamic law). His slogan for Friday sermons was “the weapon of the word is stronger than bullets”.
Where is the condemnation from the Muslim world leaders? Vast majority of Muslims scholars and leaders cast a blind eye towards this reality. There has been not even a whisper in the media especially from Sunnis organization such as CAIR, ISNA and ICNA nor have other faith leader and the Obama administration.
According to the Bible Jesus (Prophet Isa) was crucified. Is this something the Christians would condone? So why are they quiet? Why is the Pope Francis silent? The faith leaders, human rights leader, United Nation and world leaders need to condemn this sentence and such barbaric and inhuman acts. Saudi Arabia has clearly crossed all red lines and should drop all charges against the Sheikh for unity and peace. This is a great shame to humanity.
Saudi Arabia disseminates their extremist ideological roots of Wahhabism world-wide with revenue from oil and pilgrims. It also has a long track record of spreading extremism. The House of Saud is often referred to in Arabic as “Um al Fessad” or mother of corruption.
Saudi Arabia is a country where there are only mosques, no beautiful churches, synagogues, temples, and where the immigrant worker from Asia are treated like slaves and women are an inferior species. Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabism represents some of the severest restrictions on the freedoms of women in the world. Women cannot obtain a passport or travel without the permission of a male relative nor allowed to drive or interact with men because extreme gender segregation and women must observe a strict dress code. Wahhabism poses a great threat to women’s freedom and rights
Europeans and US administration have shielded the Saudi Arabia for years because of their thirst for oil. Obama administration policy will not change as they hear no evil and see no evil in Wahhabism theology nor stand for democracy in Bahrain.
Mohammed Khaku, Allentown, PA USA