Dr.Zafar Taqvi, an Oustanding Engineer
Dr Zafar Taqvi is currently a Senior Principal Engineer with Barrios Technology, a contractor for Boeing/NASA for International Space Station at Johnson Space center. He has been part of US Space program since 1969 in support of Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, Space Shuttle and now ISS Communication & Tracking. He has earlier worked with Lockheed for 23 years as Advance Systems Engineering Specialist and with Dynacs/MDA for about 10 years as Staff Engineer.
Dr Taqvi has a Ph.D. (EE, ‘69) from University of Houston and a member of Tau beta Pi, Eta Kappa nu, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi and Omicron delta kappa Honor societies. He has held many IEEE, ISA, and AIAA position at the section, region/district and national levels. He is an Associate Fellow of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a Life member and Fellow of Instrument Society of America. Currently he is the Director of ROBEXS Division of ISA, and V/P ISA Automation and Technology Division.
Dr Taqvi has been honored by IEEE with Regional Leadership award twice and IEEE Millennium Medal, by ISA with Distinguished Society Service Award and Donald P. Echman Education Award, and by AIAA as Distinguished Service Award.