Renew Yourself
By Imam Abdullah El-Amin, MMNS
The tenets of the religion of Al-Islam emphasize constant renewal in our lives. If we could just do something once and be done with it, our practice of the religion would cease to exist. For instance, we are directed to fast every year in Ramadan. This is because one time just won’t do it. We will forget and/or lapse into other activities to divert our attention from the remembrance of ALLAH.
There are many other signs from ALLAH for us to reflect on. We breathe, eat and drink everyday to replenish our bodies. If we did not…well you know the answer to that. There is constant renewal in education. Our brains need activity to grow and be useful.
Similarly, our relationships must also be constantly renewed. How many of us have heard the expression “What you did to get her, you must also do to keep her?â€
But before we get to that; before reaching out to our spouses, we must reach out to ourselves. In order to spread cheer to our families, spouses, and others, it must first come from a cheerful body and mind. How is this accomplished?
Each day upon rising we must begin to renew ourselves by recognizing the great masterful work of art ALLAH formed when He created you. You must look in the mirror and say to yourself how good you look. You must talk to yourself and constantly convince yourself that because you are a flesh and blood human being, you are directly under ALLAH. Always tell yourself that there is no one or nothing that is greater than you except ALLAH. This will arm your mind with positive thoughts and keep the evil ones from convincing you that you are otherwise.
After recognition of your greatness, resolve to be grateful to ALLAH by taking care of this great creation – you. Make sure you bathe and keep yourself clean. Shampoo your hair and use conditioner to enhance its appearance and health. Try to eat sensibly to reduce stress on your body. Exercise at least moderately to keep your temple in the best shape.
This constant renewal will make you grateful and put you in the best possible shape to reach out to others. We will be able to love and see the benefit of our spouse and help them see the benefit of themselves. This is very important because then everybody wins and ALLAH is pleased because you are carrying out His desires for creating you in the first place. And if ALLAH is pleased with you, you can ask for no better reward.
As Salaam alaikum
Al Hajj Imam Abdullah El-Amin