Obama Launches Hebrew Blog
Courtesy NDTV Active
Facing a mass email campaign branding him a secret anti-semite and a ‘’closet Muslim’’, Presidential hopeful Barack Obama has launched a Hebrew blog on his commitment to Israel’s security ahead of the crucial vote in Pennsylvania that has a large Jewish community.
An aide to Obama, Eric Lynn, was quoted by daily Ha’aretz as saying that these efforts will help the democratic party leader to strengthen his ties with the Israeli public.
The blog is meant to allay fears among Jews arising out of a mass email campaign, which had labelled Obama a secret anti-semite who allegedly took his official oath of office with his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible and a disciple of fiery Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
Obama has insisted he has never been a Muslim and is a committed Christian.
The blog, opened ahead of April 22 primaries in the key state of Pennsylvania, includes Obama’s speech to a pro-Israel lobby in March.
During a debate with rival candidate Hillary Clinton, Obama stressed his ‘’stalwart’’ support for Israel and his ties to American Jews.
He said he considers Israel to be one of the US’ ‘’most important allies in the region (Mideast)’’ adding, ‘’I think that their security is sacrosanct.’’
Obama currently leads in the delegate count 1,634-1,500.
Neither Democrat can reach the magical figure of 2,025 needed to win the nomination with the delegates left and the nominee is likely to be chosen by some 800 super delegates- elected officials and eminent partymen.