ICD Ramadan Competition Awards Ceremony
By Noor H. Salem, TMO
Dozens of families gathered to celebrate winner of Ramadan Competition at the Islamic Center of Detroit on Friday night. The room was crowded, and everyone seemed excited. For over a decade now, the ICD hosts an annual Quran Competition for Ramadan. Everyone can participate, as long as the surah was not memorized before. The during the last week of Ramadan there was two days for participants to come and recite, but winners were not announced until Friday.
When the ICD printed their Ramadan newsletter the night before Ramadan, they passed out over 7,000 copies. Each newsletter had a list of the categories for the Quran competition. There were over 160 participants in the Quran competition, and each and every participant was awarded something. There was five categories based on the age of the person, and each age category had three winners. The youngest winner was only two years old.
The other competition consisted of fill in the blank questions of general Islamic Studies. This competition had approximately one hundred participants. Those who got the answers completely correct were awarded, but again, everyone who participated and put in effort was recognized with a gift.
It was a wonderful evening to celebrate with friends and family, and everyone seemed very pleased with their reward. The reward in the Hereafter is greater of course.