Eyes on Gaza
By Geoffrey Cook, TMO
Washington–Jewish-American Civil Society has given your author insights into the Hebrew nation that he otherwise would not have. My premise has always been that you cannot successfully prevail over your opponent unless you understand his narrative, and, if reconciliation is ever to be achieved, the Other must understand your own.
The majority consensus of the Jewish-American community, of which I am not a member, is that they wish the current incursion to end. The sense of your reporter through actually talking to a number of them is that the military/intelligence apparatus there despises the Likud (lead party of the right-wing coalition in Tel Aviv) and the former would like to cut a deal to establish peace. To them, though, that deal would involve a bi-State Solution which has long ago slipped under the bridge. Your composer is certain that, if the Israeli Labour Party had been the lead in a Left of Center Coalition in Tel Aviv, the Kerry Initiative would have reached an uneasy settlement between the two sides. Yet, Netanyahu and his ultra-Zionist allies have cast the Jewish State in almost certain demise.
The difference between them and us are the boundaries and the parameters of justice which the establishment of a free Palestinian State would entail.
Our President Obama personally detests their Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the Israelites have been interfering in American domestic policies, and that must end!
What those of the Left in his (Democratic) Party have to do is to encourage the President to stand up to the Zionist Lobby…to put American policy goals over the Hebrew goals…which too many in former governments have held to be a constant…must be to have our own American have not have had backbone to do independent protests to be expressed.
Your raconteur was raised as a minority non-Jew in a largely Jewish-American majority community. He is quite conversant in the hopes and aspirations of that community as well as the blooming Islamic community both residing on our common soil.
Yet, before your essayist begins, he must firmly state he is a supporter of Palestinian self-agency. If his readers will research the archives of this publication, an article of his on M.K. Gandhi’s view of the birth of Israel, appeared wherein the former believes that the Jewish state, plopped within the middle of an ancient Middle Eastern civilization, was a grave historical crime, but in realpolitik terms it is there, and it has to be dealt with the best it can.
This brings us to the current wrenching evil over our hapless Gazan brothers. Hopefully, the current talks in Egypt will bring a long-term ceasefire which will bring an end of Israeli aggression against the deeply aggrieved Gazan oppression. To that end, your newspaperman was in a tele-conference from the District of Columbia on the calamity with the head of a “progressive†Neo-Zionist organization, J-Street. Your commentator shall look at the contents of that hour’s meeting analytically to better to respond to the unforgivably unjust attack upon our brothers on the (Gaza) Strip.
The constant drivel of a refrain is that, drivel. Succinctly, the Hamas-democratically elected mini-State was attacked in a cynical move to derail the unity government between them and the Fatah political party which rules the West Bank – which would have put an occupied West Bank and a Gazan (independent) sub-State – jointly ruled by a Hamas and Fatah unity government. (The occupied Palestinian State has a two-Party system like our own with a separately elected President as head of State, again, again, like our own.)
The kidnaped and subsequently murdered three Colonial settler boys belonged to those illegal Settlements’ families on the West Bank. Before the bodies of the slain teenagers were found, a brutal dragnet was conducted under the supervision of the direct direction of the Jewish Prime Minister. The rampage violated International War and Crimes Against Humanity laws proscribing collective punishment for acts not committed by individuals for which they do not hold a responsibility. During this period at least a 150 Palestinian souls perished — a high number of them children. Party members and officials of Hamas party’s property and persons were purposely targeted without solid accusation of guilt – with much more due process.
Press articles in the United States, the United Kingdom (U.K.) and the most thorough in Israel itself, exposed the cynical manipulation of the incident by the Hebrew’s central government to destroy any chance for Palestinian political singularity. I mentioned possible Israeli security apparatus, Shin Bet and/or the Mossed, being complicit in the dastardly deed on some level. It seems they were most probably not in the slaughter of the youths itself, but purposely contributed to the disinformation and incitement that encouraged the six ultra-Orthodox (or) overly-religious Jews., The incident were this class of Jews grabbed an Arab youth; forcing him to drink gasoline; dousing his outward body; engulfing him inwardly, too!
The Jewish State is more than complicit in this unspeakable crime by encouraging the ultra-orthodox as the only State-sponsored Jewish expression in the Hebrew State, and that State must be punished and those decision-makers of that State are, also, guilty of the murder of these innocents in Jerusalem and Gaza, but especially in failing to protect our own (U.S.) citizen there, a boy who may never fully recover, no matter whom his antecedents might have been e.g. Palestinian Arab-American boy! The States should demand the perpetrator to be rendition to American justice!
Jeremy Ben- Ami, the President of J-street who had been in the Zionist State when the hostility had begun, said the Tel Aviv’ government believed that the murders of the Israeli youths were committed by a Palestinian family with ties to Hamas. Now, your narrator is a registered voter o one of the U.S.’ mainstream political parties. That does not mean that Party would be responsible for any crime I might commit. Note, even Israeli law enforcement acknowledge the crime was as a barbarous act of criminality at a particularly tense political time.
Further, your columnist has information of a possible homicide shortly before the incident in the area which the Israeli authorities failed to report. Could this have been related to the subsequent slayings? Hopefully, the correct facts will emerge in any U.N. (United Nations’) war crimes investigation.
Those members of the Hamas Party were picked up and jailed and physically abused. It was the reaction to the Gaza’s Palestinians went on the offensive.
The Palestinian nation in both Gaza and the West Bank went on a righteous rage subsequently after the violence done to their own Innocents in the subsequent Zionist dragnet after the disappearance of the Jewish boys. The cynic Jews, subsequently, of course, blamed this incident on Hamas themselves — accusing them of orchestrating it at the highest level. The Palestinian nation in both Gaza and the West Bank went on a righteous rage subsequently
The Hamas government entrenched themselves in their Gaza City base because of the desecration of their Party on the West Bank. The resistance to the incursion was a solely a defense measure.
In the meeting from Washington the inane propaganda issued by the Zionists, who stole our Holy Land, that Hamas is a terrorist org, and that they started the conflict is a lie! They are a democratically elected political Party in the Islamist mode!
Israel was not fighting to defend itself; they were waging an asymmetrical warfare against a defenseless nation because of the enablement of the American Behemoth. As American Muslims, we must petition our countrymen to withdraw from these Jewish crimes.
The Islamists are fought admiralty with upgraded technology probably gained through Hezbollah or even Iran itself during the period of the Muslim Brotherhood in neighboring Egypt against an overly armed opponent. Their rockets had flown at least up to a hundred miles into Israel proper hitting targets near Ben Gurion Airport and Tel Aviv and a drone barely was stopped from destroying the Defense Ministry’s national command. In all, most experts on strategic military operations have declared Hamas the victory, for Zionist army had to withdraw from the strip. Unlike the apostate Jews their targets were welled-aimed at and the number of Hebrew IDF (Israel Defense Force) causalities in compared to civilian deaths show the well-trained Gazan militia in comparison in comparison to the obscene number of Gazan casualty due to the fact were not able to control their over-armed machines. The War crime of law of War of Proportion has to be pronounced here.
The Jewish people in the Diaspora have to stand up and pronounce not in my Name: Never Again! If not, they will be complacent in the crime and liable to share the punishment. Yet, the majority of righteous Jews in this country have stood up to their landsmen in the Middle East.
In the American-Jewish briefing, they were right to say that Hebrew decisions of the past were (grossly) wrong. Yes, we must go beyond the present and plant the seeds for a more productive future. “We must grieve for the Israeli and Gazan peoples.â€
They are right when they say that there can be no military solution, but a political one! They have to develop a Plan B when the Jewish State will abandon a Sectarian fora multi-Sectarian State of one vote per person. – a New Caanan if you will.
The Likud’s sabotaged the initial criminal violence. The racist (against their own ethnic “cousinsâ€) establishment in that rogue State cannot be trusted and do not have the integrity to negotiate. Therefore, the only option is Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). The Gazans have won a Pyrrhic victory in this incursion as they did in 2008-2009 in withstanding the Jewish Juggernaut.
Now, the al-Nurse is at their border at the Golan Heights, and the Fijian and The Law of War of Proportion has to be pronounced here. The Jewish people in the Diaspora have to stand up and pronounce not in my Name: Never Again! If not, they will be complacent in the crime and liable to share the punishment. Yet, the majority of righteous Jews in this country have stood up to their landsmen in the Middle East.
The Pilipino and the Fijian troops have been driven away, and the idiocy is apparent in the attack on Gaza. Al-Qaeda is lready at their borders, and soon ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), and Israel is part of that Levant.