‘Eidul Fitr, Masjid As-Salam, Dearborn
By Jumana Abusalah
It was time for celebration and joy as Muslims all over the world celebrated this year’s Eid Al-Fitr, 1432. It marked the end of the holy month of Ramadan in a fun yet spiritual way. Masjid Al-Salam (Dearborn Community Center) in Dearborn, Michigan was no exception.
The mosque chose to rent the soccer field at the Dearborn & Performing Arts Center on the morning of the 30th of August. The field was decorated with large banners and colorful balloons. Everyone gathered around and was reciting takbeer. Friends were giving their Salaams, children were playing together, and families were reunited. When it came time for prayer, over 500 people rose to thank God for all His blessings and for all the great things He gave us.
The Imam’s Khutba after the Eid prayer was very informative and touching for many people. He explained that Eid is God’s gift to us to reward us for our ibadih during the month of Ramadan. He continued on to explain that we should be thankful for being able to have such a celebration—other people around the world are not able to, either because of poverty, war, or other unfortunate circumstances. We then all made du’aa to Muslims around the world and asked God to help their countries resolve their problems peacefully.
The Eid celebration for Masjid Al-Salam this year was an event that many people will not forget. There was also an Eid Festival at the same center on the following Sunday—not just for this particular masjid, but for all Muslims around Dearborn. As it should be, Eid was a celebratory, but sacred event.