Candidates Meet at MCWS
By Adil James, TMO
One candidate speaks at the MCWS event. |
Canton–August 1–The MCWS hosted about 20 political candidates this past Friday evening, each of whom discussed his or her own views and strengths in light of the election soon to follow.
As of this writing, those candidates who presented themselves Friday evening have now moved past the primaries.
Present were Shannon Price, Phil Cavanaugh, Russell Leviska, Bill Wild, Robert Ficano, Kevin McNamara, Fred Bolden, Kristy Pagan, Cornell Mathis, Natalie Mosher, Dean Slavens, Anil Kumar, Bobby McKenzie, Milan Peak, and Charles Clos.
One election which was near and dear to many in the Muslim community was that in which Dr. Anil Kumar faced off against Bob McKenzie for the Democratic spot which was last contested by Dr. Syed Taj (who narrowly lost a recent election because the Democratic party failed to support him although his opponent was a vulnerable representative of the lunatic fringe of the Republican party).
Bob McKenzie narrowly defeated Dr. Anil Kumar yesterday in the primary, but will now face a legitimate Republican candidate (the tea party candidate was defeated yesterday on the Republican side of the primary).
Bob McKenzie is an expert on terrorism who has studied Muslims in the past. He has tried to make the most of this experience in reaching out to the Muslim community in a steadfast and sincere way throughout the primary season–appearing at MCWS and previously at the Pakistan Democratic Committee forum.
McKenzie made a vital point in responding to a question at the event, saying that in a recent election in a district with 1800 registered Pakistani voters, only 60 had voted–in this situation to a politician it is hard to see a reason to listen to the community. “The community must mobilize,†McKenzie emphasized.
We at TMO wish success to all of the candidates who respected the Muslim community by appearing at our fundraisers and information sessions.