Benazir’s Death Is Huge Loss For Democracy: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
By Ilyas Choudry
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) from Houston Texas called our correspondent Ilyas Hasan Choudry to convey her sympathies and condolences to the Pakistani Community at the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. The honorable House Of Representatives member Sheila Jackson Lee (D) is Co-Chair of the Pakistani Caucus in the Congress.
She said to honor the sacrifice of Benazir, the government and people of Pakistan should strive hard in a non-violent manner to bring unity within the nation of Pakistan and move ahead with the elections at the earliest possible time: Indefinite postponement of the elections, she said, is not what Benazir Bhutto would have been looking for. She said when recently the state of emergency was imposed in Pakistan, Benazir had called her to discuss various matters.
She said people start to give cloudy and offensive labels to each other when tragic incidents like this happen, but it is time for the Pakistani nation to come together to fight the forces of extremism.
Later at night on the first floor of her office building, Congresswoman Jackson-Lee organized a candlelight vigil, where an appreciable number of Pakistanis and constituents of the congresswoman were in attendance, including the Vice President of Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarian Group, Khalid Khan.