Setting the standards for electing Indian Americans to the US Congress. 

 by Mike Ghouse Why should we support or pull down the Indian Americans running for US Congress or Senate? The answer is simple, almost all Indian Americans have families

Op Ed: Should Muslims sacrifice cattle on Eid-al-Adha? 

by Dr. Mike Ghouse On Friday, July 31, 2020, over a billion and a half Muslims around the world, will be slaughtering millions of goats, camels, and cattle to carry out Abraha

Op Ed: Appeal to Turkey’s President Erdogan about Hagia Sophia  

 by Mike Ghouse President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an is considering converting the Hagia Sophia to a Mosque, which has been a museum since its conquest. As Muslims, we appeal to Pres

July 4th Message – Muslims have a special bond with America

By Dr. Mike Ghouse American Muslims consider July 4 as one of our cherished holidays. We uphold, protect, defend, and celebrate the values enshrined in the U.S. constitution

Modi urged to repeal the Citizens Amendment Act (CAA). 

By Mike Ghouse A news briefing took place today, May 21, 2020 at 2 PM. The panel of distinguished speakers included Nadine Maenza and Dr. Harrison Akins, both from USCIRF, Franc

Op Ed: Wake Up My Fellow Indian Americans

by Mike Ghouse This is a wake-up call to all Asians, including Indian Americans. Over 500 cases of harassment of Asians have been reported in the last few weeks. There is a grow

AFMI’s 29th Annual Convention Calls for Preserving the Plural Values of India

by Dr. Aslam Abdullah About three hundred fifty to Four Hundred people from Columbus, OH, and neighboring cities attended the 29th annual convention of the American Federation o

Flying together, not frying together

by Dr. Mike Ghouse The bile of revenge among “some Indians” but not “all Indians” was raging when the terrorist killed 44 of the army personnel in Pulwama. Now the same

Tulsi, Kamala, and Indian Americans

by Mike Ghouse The Indian American Immigrants and perhaps all non-white immigrants owe their gratitude to Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. Without their effort and subsequen

India’s prosperity hinges on Religious Freedom

by Dr. Mike Ghouse The Indian-Americans have a moral duty to prevent India from being labeled as a “Country of Particular Concern” by the United States Commission on Internati

A Muslim woman President of the United States in 2036

Book by Mike Ghouse  The book, The American Muslim Agenda, is a primer, a blueprint, a roadmap for American Muslims to consider. It took 18 years to complete the book replete

Reflection: On My Knees

by Dr. Mike Ghouse Kaepernick is my hero, I pray for Trump and may God save the American Flag and for what it stands for; Freedom. Every time I see the flag, I say a short prayer

AFMI renews commitment to excellence

By Mohammed Ayub Khan TMO Contributing Writer BURLINGTON, MASS- The American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin (AFMI) held its twenty-fifth Silver Jubilee convention i

Aga Khan’s 77th Birthday Celebrations – Khushali Greetings to the Pluralist Icon of the World

By Mike Ghouse Every child, teen and an adult has someone or the other that he or she looks up to, and wants to-be-like that person and eventually becomes one. A good role model i

Muslims Condemn Brutal Attacks on Hindus and Hindu Temples in Bangladesh

By Mike Ghouse We condemn these disgusting acts of Muslims among us, who are hell bent on hurting fellow Bangladeshis, because they are Hindus. These acts go against the very esse

Are We Connected with Our Kids?

By Mike Ghouse March 11, Dallas: Many of us have been shocked with the discovery that our kids and us are too far apart, even though we may pretend it otherwise. I have seen too m

How Israel Out-Foxed US Presidents

By Morgan Strong From the Archive: At the G20 summit, French President Nicolas Sarkozy commiserated with President Barack Obama about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wh

Evolutionary Creation

By Mike Ghouse, Dallas, Texas Several Abrahamic Religious leaders ‘assume’ that evolution is in conflict with creationism. It frightens them about the unknown; which

Higher Wages or Bubblenomics: What’s it gonna be?

Courtesy Mike Whitney December 22, 2008 “Information Clearinghouse” -- - -Wages, wages, wages. It all gets down to wages. A strong economy must be built on a solid f

The Practices of Ramadan

By Mike Ghouse, Dallas, Texas A Syrian baker makes Ma'rouk cake during the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in old Damascus city September 20, 2008. The sales of Ma'rou

Gender Equality Now

By Mike Ghouse The great poet Philosopher Sir Mohammad Iqbal had said “Wajood-e-zan say hai kayanaat may khushboo” in his beautiful Poetry in Urdu. The essence of wh

Ramadan Triangle

By Mike Ghouse May God bless you and your family with peace and prosperity. Ramadan Mubarak (Happy Ramadan - Eid Mubarak) to those who celebrate on Friday, Saturday or Sunda

“Thank God They Were Caught!”

Press Release of World Muslim Congress (WMC), adapted by The Muslim Observer Dallas, Texas—The World Muslim Congress (WMC) has expressed relief at the arrest of suspected