
“H&M and all the French stores have taken our fashion,” said Mahika, a 24-year-old from Paris. She sees Muslim influences
... The Pakistani Military is chasing the Taliban and Al-Qaeda out of the hills. General Khan feels it will take
American businesses and other organizations that want to hire highly educated and skilled foreign workers for the fiscal year 2008
Reports emerge that the US is funding an Al-Qaeda linked terror group to attack Iran.
In the early 1960’s, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) returned from his pilgrimage to Mecca and made the
In the early 1960’s, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) returned from his pilgrimage to Mecca and made the
Trust me, though, that’s all Brian’s mom did for the entire time he was in Iraq, and there are 160,000
Sure, the price of the Dow average is now close to 13,000. But what is the purchasing power of the
VA Tech Memorial Berkley Mich / Ellison and Warith Deen Mohammed at Cobo / ADC events / ACCESS events
Donations-VA Tech / Bangladeshi Prof - speaks on Muslim women / Fundraiser--NH mosque / Shahid & Ann Khan Tennis Complex
The Muslim Observer's pro-activity seminar in Houston / MJ Khan Honored
Dearborn, Michigan, the epicenter of Arab culture in America, contains much promise in regards to its expressing and shaping the
NEW DELHI- With Indian politics having now and then been witness to communal violence, particularly when politicians have exercised communal
"'AIPAC!' was the forceful one-word answer of Congressman Michael Capuano when we asked him, “Why was the Iran clause forbidding
In the end, Don Imus’ racist and sexist words got him fired. But very few people would have been aware
Currently there are approximately 380 Palestinian children in Israeli custody, many of whom are awaiting trial or sentence, and others
Here is a link to biographies and pictures of the VA Tech shooting victims.
Open this to see our new online classified ads!
NORILSK, Russia (Reuters) - Underpaid and isolated from an increasingly affluent Russia, workers are steadily leaving the nickel operations of
She was a pacifist who fought for Britain and died at the hands of the Gestapo. As a new biography
On the Today Show, Nancy Pelosi sat down with Campbell Brown to discuss her trip to Syria, as well as
The US Department of Justice has implemented a secretive new prison program segregating “high-security-risk” Muslim and Middle Eastern prisoners and
SAN FRANCISCO – All across America, no doubt, non-Korean Asian-Americans are now heaving a sigh of relief. “Asian,” after all,
And the sweeps have taken a heavy toll on U.S. forces: Deaths among American soldiers climbed 21 percent in Baghdad
“Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.” A lot of people think Jesus said that, because
"Mr. Sengal insisted that the human rights issue in the east of Turkey must be contemplated in the light of
“The ‘war on terror’ is failing and actually increasing the likelihood of more terrorist attacks,” the Oxford Research Group said