Syed Taj Fundraiser
By TMO Stringer
Left, Faiz Khan of the Pakistani Michigan Democratic Caucus, and Dr. Syed Taj, right. |
Bloomfield Hills–A successful fundraiser was held this past weekend, sponsored by Dr. AS Nakadar and attended by many prominent members of Michigan’s Muslim community, to support Syed Taj, a Democrat running for the spot vacated by Thaddeus McCotter, (MI-11th); Taj may have an edge going into the election; he is facing a reindeer rancher, Kerry Bentivolio, in his congressional race.
Taj’s district leans Republican, despite its slowly changing demographic makeup; however Taj has made a very good name for himself as a physician and in his previous work in local politics–in fact he has been endorsed by many of the Republican politicians of his own district, showing his very good relations.
He has strong mainstream credentials, with endorsements from the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press. His Republican opponent is a failed businessman, who has never held elected office, who has been shunned by the mainstream Republican establishment.
In past interviews with TMO, Taj showed himself to be a very humble and accommodating individual, an unassuming but very intelligent and helpful person. He doesn’t have the brashness or arrogance of some in politics, but he does have a keen interest in and knowledge of the components of a successful election. So far he has built a very successful campaign which vaulted from near impossibility to strong likelihood with the bizarre breakdown of the Thaddeus McCotter campaign over signature fraud.
In the primary Dr. Taj defeated a Lyndon Larouche “Democratic†candidate who was set against him because of his perceived weakness as a candidate, as he bears a foreign name. However Taj emerged victorious.
Faiz Khan, the Chair of the Pakistani Michigan Democratic Caucus, welcomed the fundraising guests to the home of Dr. Nakadar this weekend, and also welcomed the board members of his own caucus. He spoke of the importance of protecting our community, and the responsibility of the community to support Dr. Taj in the election.
Dr. Taj discussed issues dear to his heart such as national healthcare, employment, strengthening the economy, increasing the number of jobs. He said that, if elected, he would like to form a Muslim Democratic Caucus, with Muslim congressmen Ellison and Carson.