Curry Sauced Salmon Recipe to Try This Ramadan
We have discussed several benefits of seafood, and I’ve shared essential tips to ensure you purchase and consume the best quality of the dozens of choices readily available in stores. Unfortunately, as mentioned, a large quantity of seafood today is raised unethically, fed genetically modified feed, and is high in toxins such as mercury. When it comes to salmon especially, aim to purchase wild-caught, and check where the product is from, most likely occurring on the back of the package.
Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for many organs in your body. It’s an extremely wonderful source of protein, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Selenium, Vitamin B3, phosphorus and more. Best of all, salmon tastes delicious, and pairs wonderfully with almost any vegetable or grain. I highly advise if you don’t already consume salmon often, to get it on your menu now.
The mango salsa topped Mahi Mahi recipe I’ve shared previously is not extraordinary in its presentation, but its taste as well. It’s rich in vitamins, protein, and minerals essential for your health. Nevertheless, if you are not a fan of Mahi Mahi, or prefer the fatty taste of salmon instead, this recipe will sure to win your taste buds. It’s the perfect combination of sweet and savory, tweaked a bit from the curry salmon recipe I share in my book, “Sunnah Superfoods.” This recipe contains more than three Sunnah Superfoods I discuss in depth in my book, including methods of consuming them, purchasing them and the best way to prepare them for maximum benefits.
Many times, I have clients come and excitingly share a healthy food they are eating, only to learn that they are eating wrong, thus not optimizing the benefits they take in. It’s extremely important to get educated about eating and buying food properly, to do your body and heath good. Check out my book on Amazon for more details, and be prepared to feed yourself and family healthy this Ramadan. If you are not a fan of curry, you can most definitely make this salmon with the mango salsa recipe I’ve shared last week, or see my book for other scrumptious salmon recipes as well.
1 or 2 halves wild-caught salmon (pre-marinated in apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. turmeric, 1 tbsp. dried dill, 1 tbsp. mustard seed, ½ teaspoon cumin, 2 teaspoons ground garlic, and 1 teaspoon Himalayan Pink Salt)
Curry sauce:
4 tablespoons curry powder
1 tablespoon organic virgin coconut oil
2 cups organic coconut milk
1 teaspoon organic coconut palm sugar
2 tablespoons organic raw unfiltered honey
¼ teaspoon Himalayan Pink Salt
1 tablespoon organic coconut flour
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Bake the salmon for 15 minutes, covered in aluminum foil.
- Meanwhile, mix the coconut oil, curry, and coconut milk in a small saucepan. Stir and add in coconut palm sugar, honey, salt, and coconut flour. Allow it to thicken with a few minutes on the stove. If it’s too runny, add an additional teaspoon of coconut flour.
- When the salmon is done, remove it from the oven. Top it with the curry sauce. Bake for an additional 3-5 minutes.
- Garnish with lemon or cilantro; serves wonderfully with brown rice, pasta, or quinoa.
Noor H. Salem is an author, speaker, and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, from Michigan. Noor works with clients in better understanding their bodies and healing with natural foods through her wellness practice, Holistic Noortrition. She presents various workshops, school lectures, group coaching classes, and community lectures on the topic of holistic health. Noor recently published her book, SUNNAH SUPERFOODS, a culmination of life-changing recipes and remedies, with a foreword by Dr. Waleed Basyouni. Her book consists of prophetic hadith, modern research, and delicious recipes, and is in the process of being translated into other languages.