MMCC: “Moving Michigan Forward”
MMCC Press Release
This is the theme for the Annual Michigan Muslim Capitol Day which will be held on Tuesday May 28th, 2013 from 9:00-3:30 p.m. at the State Capitol in Lansing and hosted by Michigan Muslim Community Council (MMCC). This year’s Michigan Muslim Capitol Day’s goal is to help create healthy and sustainable relationships with our elected officials. We would like them to know we are here to support them and to improve the lives of all Michiganders, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, so that we may help Michigan move forward.
This year’s event is expecting to bring hundreds of people from all across Michigan. The event will be taking place outside the Capitol Building on the senate lawn with tents set up for a casual environment which will include, food, entertainment, and tables to visit various organizations. Simultaneously, there will be meetings with representatives and senators who are waiting to meet us, and to hear what we have to say.
We have gathered a phenomenal bi-partisan group of over twenty elected officials as co-sponsors for this year’s event. Governor Rick Snyder, has issued a welcome letter to MMCC and his senior advisor, Dick Posthumus along with John Austin, President of the Michigan Department of Education will be our keynote speakers. Over twenty state senators, representatives and Muslim community leaders from various areas in Michigan will also be speaking on the important of unifying with one another and discussing how we can help move Michigan forward.
Thanks to Representative Rashida Tlaib (6th District), Social Worker and Community Activist, Sr. Catherine Ziyad, who serves on the executive boards for the HUDA (Health Unit on Davison Avenue) and The Muslim Center of Detroit, will be performing the legislative invocation. What a powerful image that will be! That in itself is worth the trip out to Lansing on Tuesday, May 28th.
Muslim Capitol Days are taking place in several states across the U.S. Michigan is one of the lucky ones capable of hosting such an important event. They are becoming a bridge for our communities, creating opportunities for open dialogue, cooperation, and understanding. Please take advantage of this unique experience and share it with others. I would encourage students and professionals to take the day off to attend this event. Michigan Muslim Capitol Day is a great way to gain exposure, network with others, and for us take the lead in defining our image. We at MMCC hope to see you there.