COVID-19 and its Impact on Body organs
by Anis Ansari, MD.,FASN
The Coronavirus runs rampant on a large part of the population today. With no end in sight, the numbers of cases worldwide continue to skyrocket. This virus seems to affect almost every organ in the body but has a particular affinity for the lungs. Most people recover quickly, but others with preexisting conditions can have long term health consequences.
This virus invasion sets off a cascade of destruction, causing blood vessel leakage, lungs filled with fluid, and blood to thicken and clot. A dramatic increase in tiny clots in your cardiovascular system can cause a heart attack, stroke, or limb tissue damage leading to amputations.
Circulatory problems could also help explain why preexisting hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease can raise the risk factors of contracting COVID-19. This virus can also cause inflammation of the heart muscles (myocarditis), leading to irregular heart rhythms, progressive heart failure, and sudden cardiac death.
COVID- 19 related pneumonia is the most reported complication found so far. In severe cases, lung tissue fills with fluid and pus, reducing the air sacs (alveoli) to transfer oxygen into the blood. These patients can require a high flow of oxygen to breathe. Some patients tend to deteriorate very rapidly into acute respiratory distress requiring mechanical ventilation.
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) also has become a common diagnosis in hospital admitted patients. Within nine days after admission, 20% to 40% of critically ill patients in intensive care units have acute kidney injury. Most patients have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of smell or taste, fever, and shortness of breath. These symptoms lead to low blood pressure and lack of circulation to vital organs such as kidneys.
The advancing virus can also cause inflammation of the pancreas leading to abdominal pain and high blood sugar. It can also cause temporary liver damage. Existing liver damage like Cirrhosis or Hepatitis B can contribute to a higher risk of serious injury.
Potential long-lasting complications of COVID-19 make it even more critical to reduce the spread of the disease by following Centers for Disease (CDC) guidelines such as wearing a mask, following social distancing, avoiding crowds, and good hand hygiene practices.
We are all hopeful that a vaccine will be available soon.